At Yalo, we believe in the importance of a strong concept. Our mission? To create a cosmopolitan atmosphere where guests feel welcome, whether they come here for a glass, a meal or a stay. This requires clear choices, consistency and also the courage to go against the grain.
Thus, we decided from the beginning that the Dutch language was not a must for our employees. Not everyone took that for granted, but for us it was a conscious choice. It fits perfectly with the international image we had in mind and it ensures a much wider selection of candidates when filling vacancies. Although there was resistance at times initially, we stuck to our vision. Today, we see that our guests understand and even appreciate that choice as we contribute to a smooth integration for these people. It is an example of how guarding your concept is a process that sometimes takes time to prove its worth. Now we have a fantastic mix of cultures and there is always someone present who speaks Dutch anyway, as we are well aware that English is not obvious for everyone.
In addition, we deliberately position Yalo as a restaurant with a hotel attached, rather than the other way around. This focus on our culinary experience has made a huge difference. Our restaurant and bar are not just extras: they are the heart of the experience. This is why we consciously choose to be selective in our approach: few large groups, but an intimate setting where every guest feels completely welcome. The result? A restaurant and bar that generate as much, if not more, turnover than our rooms.
Of course, it is important to focus on our hotel guests as well. By focusing on the overall experience, we keep both elements in balance. Guests experience Yalo not as separate components, but as a place where everything comes together seamlessly: a stylish room, a lively bar and a sublime meal.
When monitoring our concept, we do not choose the easiest path. By putting our identity at the centre and making every experience authentic and consistent, we create added value. It is that dedication that keeps guests coming back - for the experience as a whole. By the way, this principle applies not only to Yalo Urban Boutique Hotel, but to anyone striving for success and continuity in the hospitality industry!
Bert Serry
Operations manager Yalo Urban Boutique Hotel, Ghent.